Top to bottom fucking with unsatisfied wife. sex, hot, pron,sex story,

Top to bottom fucking with unsatisfied wife. sex, hot, pron,sex story,
Top to bottom fucking with unsatisfied wife. sex, hot, pron,sex story,

Top to bottom fucking with unsatisfied wife. sex, hot, pron,sex story,

Hi, I’m 34 year old man from Bangalore. I’m 5’7” in height, athletic & handsome looking and MBA from a top Indian college. I go to the gym regularly. I stay near Indiranagar in Bangalore East. I speak fluent Kannada, Hindi & English. This is a true story that happened some time back. I was working out of town, and used to come to Bangalore once in a while. I’m working as a Manager in a software Product company. Due to my good academics & intelligence, I managed to get a good position. There was a marriage in the family and I had to stay in Bangalore for longer time. Luckily I could work from home and stayed here for 1 month. I was also longing to be back in crowded Bangalore and feast my eyes on some hot chicks! One advantage of Bangalore large crowd is that its easy to find lots of good looking girls here! My family has a small business in Bangalore East. I offered to help run it while I was here. Our shop needed a new large bill board to hang outside. I went out to the shopping area near my house to look for a billboard printing shop. There were 2 shops near my place. When I inquired, they quoted very high price to print the billboard. I thought, for that high price, I myself should start printing billboards! Bloody, what a costly city!! I came home and decided to look for shop far away in the evening. My dad came house after few hours and he asked what was the matter. I told him about the costly billboards. He said not to worry. Because, he had been staying in that area for long time, he knew a person who ran billboard business from his home. He offered to take me to his house. I took the billboard design and went with my father. We went in my father’s car. My father took me to the same market I went to earlier, but this time he took turn and went into the residential area behind the markets. He drove for some time, then stopped near an apartment. It was a crowded apartment and looked few years old. We got out of the car and I carried my banner designs with me. We climbed the stairs to 2nd floor and stopped outside a door. I rang the door bell. After some time the door opened and a middle aged man was standing there. He wore plain pant and loose formal shirt, and looking like an office clerk. I expected him to salute us any moment and say “salaam saab”!! 🙂 My dad started speaking to him about the banner. I realized he was the banner maker. As my father and the banner maker were speaking, somebody popped their head from behind the man and looked at us. It was a woman! She had a beautiful face and I kept staring at her. Her name was Kalpana & she was the banner maker’s wife (I came to know when we entered the house). After few seconds she stepped aside and came in full view. Oh man! She had a hot body. She was of average built and wore a saree. She had draped the saree tightly around her body and was looking hot! She had pulled her hair back tightly and tied into a knot. She had a white blouse which was tight and with low cleavage. She did not wear a bra because she was at home (she told me this later). She had wearing a cream colored saree with flower patterns on it. It was also tight and I could make out her flat stomach and curves of her hips. She was looking sexy and I wanted to lick her then & there. She had nice full lips and they were lightly red. Maybe she had lipstick on the previous day. Her boobs were average size, but the blouse was tight and I could make out their shape. I imagined myself sucking on those boobs and they becoming hard & bigger. She did not notice me staring at her. My father kept talking to the banner maker. After couple of mins, the banner maker asked us to come inside the house. I allowed my father to go in first. I knew that Kalpana would also stay back and follow the banner maker. I wanted to be with her. My father & the banner maker kept talking & went inside. I followed and stood next to Kalpana. Kalpana hadn’t seen me completely earlier as I was holding the banner designs in my hand and it covered part of my body. Now she saw me and she also stared for a sec. I had gone to gym short while back and had done heavy exercise. Because of that, my arms & chest were bulging. I was also wearing the same tight gym clothes. She saw that clearly now and seemed interested. I smiled at her. She did not say anything and walked next to her. How much I wanted to remove her saree there itself and give her some good sex! We spent some time in the banner maker’s house discussing the designs, and came out. I told him that we would like to see some designs and select a good one. He said no problem, he will have some design ready in couple of days and we could come & have a look. While leaving, I looked at Kalpana’s boobs from the corner of my eyes. I though she also gave a slight smile. I was now determined to make love to Kaplana. Her husband looked like he was 24 hrs into work and did not pay her any attention. What a way to treat a sexy wife! I guessed she would be hungry to suck someone’s dick and for someone to play with her boobs & pussy. The next day, I told my father that I had work in the market and could check the banner designs at the same time. I wanted to leave my father at home & go alone to Kalpana’s house. Luckily, he agreed. I put on some good clothes to give me a hot guy’s look and hurried out. My dick was stiff & erect. I wanted to let the banner guy know that I was coming to his house, so as to avoid any future problem. I called him on his phone and said I want to see his designs. He said they were in his house, but he was outside. I wanted to check where he was, so I indirectly told him – “I’ll wait for you in the market, you meet me there and we’ll go to your house.” He said that he’s in wholesale market in another part town and wouldn’t be back for few hours. He asked me to go to his house & see the designs. He’ll call his wife and tell her that I’m coming. I thought to myself – Hurray!! The sexy babe is alone at home. My dick was even harder now and bulging out of my pants. I started my bike and went to Kalpana’s apartment. I parked my bike away from the apartment so that no one sees it – after all I planned to be there for long time, sucking on Kalpana’s juicy body. I went up to her door & rang the bell. I was taken aback when she immediately opened the door. Was there someone in the house? She looked at me & I looked at her. She was wearing a nighty this time. It was body hugging, and the curves of her boobs were clearly visible. It has buttons near neckline, and the top 2 buttons were open. She had again tied her hair back and her lips were Red – it was lipstick. The nightly was light pink in color, and had flower designs on it. There was a flower right near her pussy. I was imagining how her pussy would be – does she shave it fully, or make a love triangle? I looked back at her face and she smiled at me and asked “Yes?” I mumbled out – “I need…” She interrupted me – “Designs”? I said Yes! My mind wasn’t thinking straight – she was looking too hot & sexy. She turned her hips towards me and started walking into the house. She said “Cum inside. I have all designs you want”. I looked at her hips – they were curvy, just the way I liked them. Her nightly was going inside in-between her butts. Maybe she wasn’t wearing a panty. I followed her inside and close the door behind me. She asked me to sit in the living room and went inside the bedroom. I just stood there. I asked her if she needed help. She said “Not now” and smiled. She came back after some time carrying one of the board pieces. She placed it near me and asked me to look at it. I was desperate to look at her boobs. I said – “what is that scratch near the bottom right corner”. She asked – “what scratch”? I pointed with my finger and she bent down to take a look. I move a bit to the side. She was sitting on her knees and I could clearly see her boobs through her neckline. They were round and tight with nice nipples. I kept staring and she looked up at me after few seconds. She started saying “there’s no scratch here…” and caught me staring at her boobs. She looked down and her neckline, then looked up again at me. She stood up and smiled. I said “you look very beautiful”. She replied “you haven’t seen me fully yet”. I immediately grabbed her and kissed her passionately. She did not resist and came closer to me. I put my tongue inside her mouth and let it go everywhere exploring her inside. She also moved her tongue around fast and let it play with my tongue. Hmmmm…she was tasty. I stopped kissing her after some time, and pulled back. But she did not let go. She held my forearms and kept kissing. She opened her mouth wide and put her tongue inside my mouth. Poor girl…she idiot husband must not have given her good sex and she was a horny homely prostitute waiting to be fucked! I wondered if she even liked fucking other women or group sex??  I finally pulled myself away from her. She said “don’t go…” I told her “Kaun ja raha hai? (who is leaving?). You are so mast looking. I want to kiss you everywhere” She smiled “Where do you want to kiss me” I put my finger on her lips, then on her boobs and I put my finger on her nightly near her pussy, pressed inside and said “here”. She opened her mouth and let out a pleasure sigh “Ahh…” Before she could say anything else, I pulled up her nightly with both hands, held up the nightly with one hand and explored her legs and panty with my other hand. But she did not have a panty! I asked her “where is your panty”? She said “I removed it for you” I smiled and said “Now onwards you are my Randi (prostitute)” I grabbed her butts with my hand, squeezed them and told her “Say it” She laughed and said “Main tumhari Randi hoon” I think she liked that word. I got down to my knees and buried my mouth into her pussy.oh, what a nice ocean like smell it was giving out. And she was already wet. I pulled her legs apart as much as I could and put my tongue deep inside the wet pussy. She moaned with pleasure and pulled my hair with both hands. I was loving it. I was going to lick every part of her body. I pushed her up against a wall and separated her legs. I started licking one leg from near the knees and continue licking up till her pussy. Her body was twitching and she was loving it. She had shaved her pussy into a love triangle. It looked nice on her. I put my tongue on her clit and started playing with it. She was getting wet and my lips and nose became wet. I licked her other leg also. As I licked it she kept moaning “Aaahhh…..Oohhhh…Aaammaa…” I got up and again kissed her. I sucked her lower lips, then told her to stick her tongue out. She put her tongue out and I sucked on it. She enjoyed it totally and watched me sucking on it. Then I stuck my tongue out and told her to suck it. She sucked it lightly. I pulled her hair back tightly with my right hand and said “Suck it like a Randi…” This time she other her mouth wide and sucked it nicely as if it was an ice-cream stick. We continued this for some time. I pulled her nightly dress up and it quickly slipped off. She was now totally naked in front of me. She held my shirt and pulled it off. Then she put her hand on my pant zipper and rubbed it up and down. She could feel my hard dick. I looked at her face and knew she was hungry for some dick. I removed my pant and told her to kiss me everywhere. She immediately got on the job. She kissed me on my chest and went down kissing on my stomach and my underwear. She started removing my underwear, but I stopped her and said “let’s have fun baby…kiss my underwear first”. I had only asked her to kiss, but she started licking my underwear near my dick and balls. She closed her eyes and was enjoying the taste. I let her dry clean my underwear with her tongue. Then I pulled my underwear down and showed my dick. I held her head with one hand and pushed my dick inside her mouth. She took it in and sucked it like a lollipop. Maybe it was the first time she was sucking a dick, but she was looking at me and laughing. I held her head with both hands and starting banging her mouth like a vagina. I told her to press my dick tightly with her lips. I loved the feeling! She was also enjoying it. She sucked for some time, rolling her tongue on my dick. I pulled it out after some time & asked her where is the bedroom? She got up, held my dick and kept holding it while she took me to the bedroom. I went towards the bed but she did not come. She said “Be there, I’ll to go to the bathroom”. I asked “Why?” She smiled shyly, showed her little finger and said “I’ve to piss”. By chance, I was also feeling like pissing. I had lot of water before leaving my house. I went to Kalpana and said “I’ll also come with you. I also need to piss”. She was surprised. Before she could say anything, I put my hand in between her legs, held her lovely juicy vagina and pulled her into the bathroom. Kalpana followed me nervously into the bathroom. She was stroking her hair as she followed me. I kissed her again passionately rolling my tongue insider her mouth. She responded with “hmmmm….hmmmm” sounds. I put my finger insider her vagina and stroked her as I kissed her. I was feeling adventurous, so with my other hand I put other finger in-between her butt and tried to find her asshole. She opened her eyes and looked surprised. I kept kissing & fingering her vagina and finally found her asshole with other hand. Now I had my fingers in both her holes and was kissing it. She parted her legs so I could insert my finger deeper. She was enjoying it. After some time, I removed my fingers and asked her to sit down. She said she needs to piss. I said “I know”, and pushed her head down. She slowly sat on her knees on the bathroom floor. I asked her to open her mouth. She opened and kept waiting patiently as if some heavenly nectar was going to flow into it!!  My dick was still hard and I held it. I said “I also want to piss, but on you…” She was shocked and said “No…” I didn’t allow her to finish. I held her by the shoulder and said “Don’t worry, I will piss on your boobs” She sat down nervously and I slowly started pissing. She was hardly 1 foot away from, her eyes at the level of my dick. I started pissing slowly and let it fall on her nipples. Kalpana tried to move from side to side to avoid it, but the piss was warm and she sat still and let it fall on her. I pissed on both her boobs and watched as my piss covered her sexy body, flowing down from her boobs onto her stomach and down to her legs and pussy. I stopped after some time, and told her “Open your mouth”. She opened her mouth slowly and I gave rest of my piss into her mouth. Her mouth quickly filled and the piss rolled down her cheeks and neck down to her pussy. I finished pissing and stroked her cheeks. She got up, went to the shower and washed herself. I joined her in the shower and helped her clean up. She then said that she needs to pee. I said I will help her. I pushed her against the shower wall, sat down and held up one of her legs. I sank my face into her sweet pussy and started licking her cunt. I told her “Now you can pee”. She looked up as if trying to concentrate and said “ok, wait”. She kept concentrating for some more time and I kept licking her. After about 20 sec, the piss started coming out. It started slowly, but then she gave it out fast like some open tap. It was slightly salty. I licked some of it. She finished pissing and I got up. We both showered again. She applied soap all over my body and helped to wash. We both took turns to dry ourselves with the towel and came out. She went to the bed and lay down. She lay down on my stomach, turned around, looked naughtily at me and said “Fuck me more…”. I went on top of her and started kissing her back. I kissed it everywhere – top to bottom. I started near her knees and kissed her thighs, her butts then her back and neck. She moaned and moved around on the bed when I kissed her back and neck. I held the bitch tightly. I asked her to get up doggy style. She got up on her hands and knees. I bent over her, held her boobs with both hands and inserted my dick into her pussy. I pumped her for some time. I asked if she was enjoying it. She said Yes, then said she wants to get on top. I slept on the bed and she mounted me. She rubbed back and forth as my dick remained in her pussy. She was enjoying this. She rubbed so hard, my crouch heated up! We fucked for some more time. I helped her to put her bra and panty on. She helped me to put my underwear on, and rubbed my dick with her hands. She then put her nightly on, tied her hair, put lipstick back on, and again looked like a sati-savitri. After she put her dress on, I put my hand under her dress and into her panty. I fingered her vagina and said “You are my Randi…”. She smiled and said “Yes, I’m your Randi”. After some time I left her apartment with the billboard designs. I stay in Bangalore East and keep travelling to US now and then for work. As you would have guessed from above, I love meeting women and loving them top to bottom, no holds barred! I’d like to know what women reading this are thinking. Message me at [email protected], but don’t ask for photos in first email!