AUNT’S show me her deep navel – English sex stories

AUNT’S show me her deep navel – English sex stories
AUNT’S show me her deep navel – English sex stories

AUNT’S show me her deep navel – English sex stories

This was after I completed my graduation when I went to my Aunt’s (mother’s sister) house in Bangalore. I got to stay there for like 2 months.

My aunt is like a motherly figure to me. She treats me like her son. I grew up spending much time with her daughters. We used to visit each other’s house periodically.

Now I had turned 22. My hormones were at their peak, as it was after my College days.

My aunt is a beautiful and daring lady. She lost her husband many years ago and takes care of her daughters alone, so you could imagine how much of a responsibility that is.

From childhood, my perception of her was that of a bold and beautiful lady, and a dominant one.

During my stay, instances like seeing her coming out after a bath would put me in a spot where I wouldn’t know how to react.

She would come out holding her hand onto the towel, near her breasts. I could sense that her breasts we like huge mangoes. And as she moved fast into her room, I could see her mangoes swaying in rhythm. Such instances started inducing a sexual feeling for her.

She likes me a lot and we would have long conversations in general. During her office hours (she works from home often) I wouldn’t disturb her, and she also remains focused on her work. We usually chat late night, after her office hours.

Her elder daughter had gone abroad for higher studies, and her younger daughter is the one who engages me throughout the day. But she goes to sleep early, to get ready for school the next day.

Once my aunt logged out a little earlier, and called me to ask something. As we spoke she was switching tabs in her laptop, without realizing I might see that. As we were conversing, suddenly I was taken aback on seeing a page with sex videos on her screen. I immediately took off my eyes and acted as if I was thinking something else. I could see that she was kind of embarrassed by her carelessness, but she believed that I hadn’t noticed, and then we continued talking normal.

That night I couldn’t sleep for a while. The fact that my aunt watches sex videos excited me a lot.

Next day we set out for shopping. My aunt drove the car, with me and my cousin who were seated in the back seat. While driving she was telling about her office stuff, and how her boss would keep asking her to join weekend parties, and have a drink, and that she would always refuse that.

Though I didn’t have any amorous intention before, my mind started working here. I said “Chitthi (chitthi means mother’s sister) you should try once”. She just laughed, and her daughter was chuckling. She then asked me if I had tried. I said yes. She was surprised, but I could sense that she had an interest.

Such instances implied that my aunt wanted to explore glamorous things, but the responsibility to run the family alone stopped her.

Fortunately around this time, my cousin was having a school trip. She was gonna be away from home for 4 days. When she mentioned this I was elated and thrilled. I was more surprised to see my aunt exhibiting the same feeling that I had, but I was confused.

She was asking her daughter to take care and all that, but her eyes were expressing a sense of thrill and buoyancy.

Next morning, after sending off my cousin when I looked behind, my aunt had already gone inside. I closed the gate, went inside and noticed that she had gone to take bath.

Now I was excited to have a view of her when she comes out of the bathroom. Usually when she comes out, I had to be careful while ogling at her, to not get caught by her or by her daughter. The situation was easier now. I got seated in a good spot which paved a sideways view, and was holding a book as if I was reading it.

When she came out my heart throbbed to see her beauty. She didn’t know I was watching. As she stood wet on the mat, she opened the towel to adjust, and it came lower enough that I could see her bare boobs from the side! God, those mangoes! I couldn’t control myself. I just wanted to suck them badly. The view was for hardly 2 secs, and then she moved into her room with her boobs swaying as usual. My dick had already crossed 90 degrees and would have gone 180, if only my pants weren’t tight.

She then prepared lunch for us. After lunch we were watching TV along, and got into watching a glamourous song called “Dilbar”, which had the heroine Sushmitha Sen offering a good exposure of her beauty.

My aunt was holding the remote and she didn’t change the channel. This excited me. To make the situation comfortable (for me) I stroke a conversation saying how beautiful the locations in the song were. My aunt replied “Really? Are you watching just the locations?” I gave a silly laugh and she gave me a naughty smile.

Pardon me to start a new paragraph, but this is exclusively for her naughty smile. I must say that her naughty looks and smile would faint any man, unless he is a yogi.

As we continued watching TV, she suddenly asked me again, whether I had gone to parties and got drunk. My mind was already doing its calculations, and got more active. I told that of course I had. She then keenly started asking about how it feels while, and after having drinks. I explained her with equal enthusiasm. She then came nearer and whispered in her sexy voice “Let’s have some drinks tonight”. I got so thrilled and assured her saying “Yes Chitthi, sure!”

I bought 3 full bottles of beer. My mind had processed its naughty plan already. I planned to not drink much, and let her drink. Anyway it was better for at least one person to be conscious enough.

As she was beginner, I assisted her initially, but then she went on to drink nearly 2 full bottles. Initially I pretended to be drinking equally, until she started losing her judgement. My mind was planning to have a better drink that night.

As she started losing her judgement, she opened up about many things. After a few drinks more she went on to speak about how she was missed her sex life. That was what my mind was waiting for. That aroused me to no bounds.

She was wearing a pink saree which was damn sexy. As she got more drowsy she started swaying her body as she spoke. At one point her hips got overexposed and I could see her bare navel. This was the trigger point for my next course of actions.

Her navel was deep and was like an invitation to get inside. She had draped her saree well below her navel, just above the curve that moves inwards to the pussy.

She was making me very horny!

I controlled myself to not pounce on her. I waited for her to seek my help. As expected she needed my help to go to her bedroom. She was moaning due to the drowsiness. Her moans were so seductive and were turning me on and on and on as we walked.

This was when I mustered up the courage to get into action. As I was holding her hand onto my shoulder, I got my other hand around, towards her hips, and pressed it. It was heaven! That was the first time I touched a woman like that, and it was my own aunt!

As she had lost her judgement she didn’t react, and this encourage me to do more. I stroked her hips as we were walking. Her moans made me go crazy and at one point I squeezed her navel, for which she moaned louder. I was on cloud ninety nine! But I did have a feel that she might remember these things the next day, but that excited me even more!

Every human has the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) mindset. I was going through the same, as I was about to place her on the bed. She was not conscious enough to stop me, and everything was under my control. I had the Fear Of Missing Out the opportunity.

I placed her on the bed. She was lying with her body partially covered with the saree. Her neck was sweating. Her bosom was as usual inviting me to suck. Her navel was like a divine invitation to enter inside. The pink saree, along with her glowing white skin, was like a world to me. I didn’t want to miss out an entry into that world. My hormones hijacked me completely.

I didn’t think twice. I went down towards her navel and gave it the deepest smooch possible. The sound of my own smooch aroused me to a different level! That was an aggression that every virginal boy would have. She moaned in a tone that expressed joy, which made the animal in me go wilder. I held her hips with both hands and started eating her navel.

The thoughts of she being a motherly figure to me, she not having had sex for a long while, she being a dominant woman in general, were all adding more sensual flavors to my action.

She was enjoying her navel getting eaten, giving sweet moans in rhythm with my kisses. She would try to twist her body, not being able to withstand my kisses on her hips, but then I would restrict her movement with my hands and kiss her even more. That was a heavenly feel!

I then went on to cup around her breasts with both my hands. Her breasts, the beautiful and huge mangoes! were the ones that I always had an eye on. Her moans were getting louder with every squeeze of mine.

I quickly unhooked her blouse, bra and threw them away. The naked mangoes were making me go wilder. I started sucking the mangoes with great vigor. Luckily she didn’t regain consciousness despite the wilderness of my action. By then I had stripped myself to just an underwear.

I went onto taste my aunt’s lips, which was my first lip kiss in life. I almost lost myself when I tasted it. What surprised me was that though she was not conscious enough, she reciprocated my kiss! We were cuddling intensely for like 10 mins. I kissed all over her face and her neck. Neck is the key for every woman. When I kissed her neck her buoyancy went higher.

I took a look at her overall figure. She was like a sex god, with a completely naked upper half, and completely covered lower half, draped in a sexy pink saree. Seeing the curve below her navel stimulated me to get my hands inside.

I stroked my hand down the navel curve. The thought that I was gonna feel a woman’s pussy, and that too of my aunt, almost fainted me. Finally! I felt a hairy and soft part. I started fingering it gently. Now her moans were getting different. I felt like her pussy was the remote control. I started smooching intensely over her lips, handling the remote with my right hand.

I wanted to express loads of love for my aunt through my smooches. I wanted her to achieve orgasm that night. As I was fingering she clutched my hand with her thighs, and it was difficult for me to finger. I knew she was nearing her orgasm. I made an idea.

It was difficult to strip her off the saree (as South Indian sarees are draped in such a way). So I went down, held her thighs tightly with both my hands and started smooching her pussy from above the saree.

She couldn’t control staying in that position. The jerks that she gave as I was smooching, triggered the animal instinct in me more and more, and I held her tight throughout. After nearly a minute of intense smooching over her pussy, I felt a gush of liquid that started flowing with. I felt so happy and proud of having made my aunt cum. That’s a unique feel of manliness!

The silly, or thrilling part was that I was careless about the consequences the next morning, and my mind didn’t bother. Next morning when I woke up I was amazed.

She was not on the bed. Her clothes were not to be found, The bed spread was new, on which I was sleeping with just my underwear. I started getting nervous. The courage that was present yesterday night, was due to an animal instinct, which took advantage of her lack of consciousness.

But now she had regained consciousness and from the surrounding factors she obviously would have known what happened last night. This was when I found something more astonishing.

I looked at my underwear, and to my amazement it was not the one that I was wearing last night! For a moment I was confused, but then my joy knew no bounds and I was blushing.

I didn’t know how to approach and look at my Aunt. As I was thinking, she herself came in to check if I had woken up. When she saw me awake she came forward with a mischievous smile. I was literally hypnotized gazing at her!

She sat near me and looked at me intently with a smile, expecting me to say something. As I was stuttering to start with few words she pulled me towards her and smooched me passionately on the lips.

Last night though she reciprocated my kiss, she was not consciously doing it. But now, seeing her initiate a kiss on her own was a green signal confirmation for me! It aroused me a lot! My dick was on its perpendicular position already, honestly expressing my feelings.

She saw my erection, and gave a naughty dominant look, the look which made me lose myself. As I lost myself looking at her, I could feel her hands getting into my underpants.

When she caught hold of my cock, I went to another world. I was losing my judgement now. She required 2 bottles of alcohol to lose her judgement, and I just required her to do this.

She gently started stroking my cock. Seeing me enjoying it motivated her to get her mouth on it. This was the highest thing I could ever imagine!

She was passionately kissing my dick, as if she was playing with a baby. The motherly thing added more naughty flavor to the action, and I was totally enjoying it.

My dick couldn’t withstand the sweetness of her lips, and released a gush of seminal fluid like a fountain. She was very happy and took care of cleaning it up like a mother.

The most sensual thing was that after cleaning it up, she smooched my dick again and wrapped it inside my underwear with care, with her eyes continuously on it.

I had not returned to normalcy yet. She came forward and whispered “You coffee is in the kitchen, freshen up”. She then went to the kitchen and started her work. It took me sometime to come to our world.

This was my first experience with my aunt. After that we have had sex several times at her home. Whenever she works from home and my cousin leaves to school, we enjoy a lot.

She still sees me as a son, but also as a friend, a friend with benefits. I still see her as a motherly figure, a friendly mother, a friend with benefits. It’s a unique feeling.

I have always had an inclination towards older women, and getting to be intimate with my mother’s sister is a big fortune for me.

We have tried almost every position as per the Vatsyayana Kamasutra (would recommend this to everyone).

I’m happy that she now is no more disappointed of her sex life. In fact she has had a great one with me, and I’m happy that I have fulfilled all her sexual desires.

Though the sexual urge has gradually reduced in both of us, we do passionately cuddle whenever we meet.

To put in few words, she is my first love.

I’m happy to share this experience in Literotica, and I hope you guys had a good time reading it.